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Saturday, July 26, 2008


I've successfully signed up at PayPerPost and they have approved my blog. Must check on the Word of Mouth Ethics great...yeah....Finally, i've made it. (:D) But, yet to earn money. (:D)

I heard about PayPerPost from one blogger, he was writing about pay per post and explaining that blogger can earn money by writing review or advertisers will pay for review to you. So, I signed up for it because I want to try for writing review for advertisers and post the review on my blog. Then, I can share with my friends. It's good for sharing with each other.

wow....I can write a product review for advertisers!! It is amazing and unbelievable. I will try my best to write for it if I have this opportunity. Of course, need to get approval from advertisers before writing a product review and they pay for it.

Actually, I have learned blogging in December, year 2005. At that time, I did not know how to post a blog or what am I going to write in my blog. So, I have stopped blogging for almost 2 years. Now, I am back. Because I have viewed a lot of blogs and some bloggers really inspire me to go for blogging.

In this cyber world, I have made some new bloggers. They are like my friends. Some of them will write some own opinion, feeling, disappointment, information or frustration on their blogs.

Besides, I heard that blogging can make revenue. Firstly, I did not know how it works. Finally, I have found out from some bloggers and forum. Well, if I could earn extra income, it can cover part of my monthly expenses. May be it could be my daily expenses. Who know? Just try it. Nothing venture nothing gain. (*.~)

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